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Technical Tips

Clean AR Lens

Soap and warm water are recommended for cleaning AR-coated lenses. Avoid using acetone, aerosol-based cleaner as these may damage the AR coating layer.

Do not clean using tissues, paper towers, clothing or other cloth which can scratch your lenses.

Clean AR Lens

Following the maintenance instruction will ensure that your AR lenses last a longer time.


  1. Rinse the lens under lukewarm tap water.
  2. Place a small drop of mild hand sop or dish washing liquid on each lens.
  3. Gently rub the soap on both sides of the lens with your fingers, then rinse under the tap.
  4. Use a clean, or special microfiber cloth available from your optical dispensary to gently wipe each lens dry.                                                                                                                          Remember to wash the microfiber once a week to avoid an accumulation of body oils.
  5. Remember to store your glasses in a protective case when not wearing.


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